In a bold move today, Rottweiler president Duke Smith announced that starting January 1st, 2011, every new 36 month contract will receive cellular monitoring service without additional fees for the duration of the 36 months. Traditionally, better security companies offer dial up monitoring services for $ 18.95 per month but leave customers vulnerable to line cut issues or weld customers for higher rates for monitored cellular services.
By Rottweiler's move, customers are provided cellular monitoring services solveing the issues of line disconnects, line cut vulnerabilities and similar list of vulnerability issues created by use of VoIP providers. It also resolves a whole host of hidden issues users have experienced that have migrated to AT&T U-verse services, Comcast Xfinity Services or other Internet ordered VoIP products. Products that often prohibit dial up reporting of alarms and intrusion and subsequently continue leaving home owners vulnerable to line cuts.
Mr. Smith stated, "because of the volume of cellular users Rottweiler services, we were able to negotiate a better rate plan from our cellular carrier, thus creating the ability to pass the savings on to our customers and provide a better protection plan at the same rate that other providers provide for dial-up." He also stated that "it provides an unmatched commitment to provide the best products available at a terrific price. It's a bold move, I know, but those who realize the importance of security realize Rottweiler will continue to drive the market."
Rottweiler believes that ever security system should communicate within seconds to the subscriber. Their field proven web-enabled systems offer a full list of options for users that also want an even better view of security information.
Rottweiler also offers surveillance camera systems that provide video analytics which alert you when alarming issues occur. What is interesting is that you no longer have to replace every camera to take advantage of the video analytics! Rottweiler also provides apartment complex security, access systems, vehicle tracking systems, business VoIP telephone systems and personal emergency response systems.