For those of us who have worked in this industry before the break up of the bell companies, we have seen the transition of expensive services to expensive contracts. Today's service contracts are usually a 3 page of 1/2 font print that no one has taken the time to read. Often there are conversations of products and services that have special names and are impossible to understand. Seldom is the company that will support the product or services agreed upon involved in the decision, invited to this meeting or asked to review the documents before they are signed.
So, are all Dial Tone companies alike? Not really, but often the sales people are. Unless you have a professional that works with you as you define your present needs, has been there through the growth or transitions of your company, you probably will make the usual mistake of signing for the wrong product, wrong term or wrong price. Think about it, what strategy does the salesperson have? Their strategy is often more sales, at a higher margin. So rather than have your typical set appointment and within 48 hours later you have signed a 3 year contract and never-see-them-again appointment, why not consult with someone who actually cares for and has a vested interest in your day to day business communication needs?
Under the current economic conditions, dial tone has become a very new topic. The very people that were not consulted in the good times are being bombarded with questions on how to reduce the expense of monthly dial tone costs and contracts. Even with the reduction of 10 % it often leaves the average business with a $ 500.00 monthly bill. So how do you change and maximize the current situation?
First, consult with a professional apart from the dial tone company. A third party usualy has no vested interest in keeping the current contracted company and has a deeper vested interest in keeping you in business. / Centerpoint Digital Services, Inc. does not charge for the review of ANY phone bill or for this service and usually can have an answer for you within 48 hours. But be prepared the question of " what were you thinking when you signed this contract" comes up from time to time.
Once the bill has been reviewed, listen closely to the solution and ask the question, Did this provide the information of your original intent to reduce expenses or produce a better solution. Ask yourself was that achieved? Set a plan of action. Always plan your work and work your plan.
Finally, take advantage of the discounts! In the BACR rewards program you can save money and in today's market that matters. If you can save money by ordering a different product or service considure ordering it from You save an additional 3 % on every purchase by being a BACR rewards member. That 3 % often pays for the security monitoring from Rottweiler Security, saving you another $ 20 / month and can in fact can add up to hundreds of dollars each year. Which in the end, then provides for a necessary service of your security for the office. Now you have saved money on your dial tone, recieved discounts that provided your monitoring for FREE plus positions you to save also on the other services as well. So, at the end of the day, dial tone is a very new topic indeed.