Designed to travel with anyone, the Rottweiler Guardian Angel © ™ has some very distinct features that place it above some of the lacking child abduction GPS products coming to the market place. First, it operates anywhere there is a cell signal.
Economy Changing For The Better In Atlanta, by Duke Smith
I need to mention that Rottweiler does not employ economists nor are we looking to buy the Atlanta jail, but I do know that when companies start adding new employees by the numbers, it is a good indication that for the Atlanta Economy things have changed.
Time Does Not Change Everything, by Duke Smith
The largest groups of victims are children under 5 and people over the age of 65 are the highest fatality groups in the event of fire. However, fire is not the biggest threat but the poisonous gases that are emitted during a fire. Thousands of people die each year from carbon monoxide poisoning.
Samsung IP-UMS Release Announced, by Duke Smith
Those that work at Samusng Telecommunications must be on fire at the corporate headquarters because the status qua just does not cut it in this market.