The facility contains thousands of social security numbers, medical information on the patients, copies of drivers licenses of parents, home addresses, telephone numbers and other various personal information on the children in this medical practice.
The Serenade Of Risk And The Rottweiler Preacher, by Duke Smith
We preach about safety, about lives that will be affected and the costs involved when a fire occurs. And when those that we know keep serenading the problem get trapped or caught, we witness it in the pain they experience.
Crossing The Video Bridge In Security Intrusion, By Duke Smith
Fixing the blind security system has been no easy task and started several years ago when Rottweiler Security started asking the questions why so little information was provided to customers who have security systems.
365 Days Of Pure Commitment, by Duke Smith
Right out of the gate it looks like the Georgia legislature will introduce laws to prevent texting while driving and Alabama and Tennessee have both introduced laws forcing trailer hitch modifications for those who pull trailers or boats.