The largest groups of victims are children under 5 and people over the age of 65 are the highest fatality groups in the event of fire. However, fire is not the biggest threat but the poisonous gases that are emitted during a fire. Thousands of people die each year from carbon monoxide poisoning.
Another 16 Year Old Georgia Driver In An Accident, by Duke Smith
This week in metro Atlanta another 16 year old avoided his funeral, but unfortunately the driver of the motor cycle did not. He was 27 years old. The question here is was the 16 year old on his cell phone or texting?
Tracking Your Teen’s Driving Without Loosing Your Mind, by Duke Smith
Each year thousands of teenagers die unnecessarily because the parent did not have the tools to track the behavior of the driving of the family car.
Again Boiling Water in Atlanta, by Duke Smith
The "Boil Water Advisory" went into effect again the other day for parts of NW Atlanta. This comes right behind another Boil Water Advisory from the Buckhead pump failure back in June of 2009. Both of these advisory notices are to notify you of the risk of "waterborne infectious agents".