Had enough with crime increasing, Atlanta? According to 11 Alive News approximately 160 individuals were arrested in and around Atlanta. I have watched for months as Atlanta has continued to rise towards the top of the most dangerous cities to live in. Because of negative publicity, the mayor of Atlanta Shirley Franklin started directing Atlanta police to take serious action in an attempt to take back our city from the chaos that has over taken it. My question is, what has taken her so long? In my opinion action should have taken place several years ago and I do not see any indication that crime in the area will subside.
In my opinion, the Atlanta police force has done as good a job as it could defending the streets with the resources it has. However, just like kudzu, crime in Atlanta has been growing faster than Fulton County police precincts could defend them. Public officials keep saying that crime is down, when every factor that is recorded for the tracking of crime and criminal activity in Atlanta indicates crime is rising. It is also sad to note that it took the murder of a good man to bring the attention of escalating crime in Atlanta.
If you think all the crime is contained inside of Fulton County, think again. Channel 2 news reported with a parallel story both with a different angle and different location. The stated " The entire effort, however, covered high crime areas not only in the city of Atlanta, but as far south as Henry County and north as Sandy Springs." Crime statistics indicate that the surrounding counties of Fulton County are up. A quick search shows that Marrietta only had 2,473 listed property crimes or just 42 per 1000 people in the county. Both Kennesaw and Acworth were illustrated as lower. All three of these northern counties references are from 2007 crime stats.
The threats are not all external when it comes to security. You need to also consider inside the home as well. Children experimenting with pharmacy drugs, alcohol and firearms are all areas that can have a devastating result. You need to secure those areas as well. Rottweiler has solutions that protect both your property as well as your home. All with notification. Being pro-active in the protection of both will reduce your risks significantly.
Over the next several months we will see if Atlanta continues in its fight to regain the streets or will the death of Vernon Forrest be just another political pawn used by Fulton County politicians.