Kwanzaa, Hanukkah or Happy Holidays? By Duke Smith

This time of year there seems to be a some confusion what to celebrate.  Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or the one that is the wimpy one, Seasons Greetings or Happy Holidays.  It seems those people just have not figured out what to believe.  So rather wish someone specific wishes of happiness, they try to blanket everyone for everything.  I'm still not sure how to wish someone on the holiday celebrated as Kwanzaa.  Is it a Happy or Merry Kwanzaa?  What if it's neither, then do I say Kwanzaa Greetings to someone who is a Kwanzaa celebrator?

Since Kwanzaa was created in 1966 we never heard of it until recent years.  When I was a child, it was not mandatory like it is in today's school system, we were forced to do math or science or some other topic that was educational.  Topics that revolved around the African cultures were taught in our world history class.  The celebration of my African roots lacks in many ways.  I have never stepped foot on the continent of Africa and as of today it is not on my plan to do so.  In my life I probably have not met 20 people from Africa and no more than 50 that have ever been there.  That's including the few hundred thousands that I served with in the military. (It's official, you are to greet someone with Happy Kwanzaa!)  Now I have to find out what you cook for dinner when you have folks over for the Kwanzaa celebration & meal in case I have to cook for a Kwanzaa Party!  🙂

Hanukkah, now that's a different story.  I have met thousands who have traveled to Israel.  My goal in life is to travel to Israel one day.  With our numerous ties to the Jewish culture, why don't we spend an equal time in the study of that holiday?  Could it be that its more personal in the celebration?  Rather than say, look at me I am celebrating, maybe those that celebrate Hanukkah do so privately. 

Then there are those wavering individuals that are not sure what, if anything, to celebrate so they just wish a Happy Holiday or a Seasons Greetings.  I think those individuals are afraid to have a voice or maybe they have been abused by their corporate bosses into the submission of neutrality.

For us, we celebrate Christmas.  The simple concept of a savior giving up His throne to offer us the chance to have a relationship with Him is a great gift, if we receive it.  We give gifts too just as a reminder as to what Christmas is about.  

So rather than clutter your email with an email blast we have chosen to pause for a minute and remember.  From our hearts here at Rottweiler and all who read this, Merry Christmas!  May your Christmas be more than you would have ever dreamed it to be and may God bless you richly as you focus on the coming of His son to ransom us.


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