Tracking Your Teen’s Driving Without Loosing Your Mind, by Duke Smith

One of the best jobs that I have is exploring and driving our company into new markets of security and items of protection.  Child protection devices that offer the parents of a child tools necessary to help protect them are items of particular interest to me.  That is why our monitoring services are people focused and our vision is to protect the people in the home rather than just the home protection system in exchange for a long term contract. 

When a child lives long enough, the child soon becomes a teen.  Then the issue of protecting your teen from their driving mistakes will start to enter your mind.  How do you protect that child from one of the most dangerous machines they will use, the family car? 

They don't see it as a dangerous machine, as far as they are concerned you have successfully driven them around their whole life and you're fine.  Most likely, you were successful when you did.  To them it is just another day in this seemingly safe environment.  They can't wait until the day they can drive the family car.  After talking you out of your keys, they get into the car and down the road they go.  Unfortunately each year many teens do not come home the way they left.

Each year thousands of teenagers die unnecessarily because the parent did not have the tools to track the behavior of the driving of the family car.  The CDC actually lists some statistics on teen age driving and motor vehicle safety.  Teenage driving accidents amount to 30% of the costs of automobile accidents in the age group of 15 - 24.  What is more alarming is that teenager fatalities average above 16 per day.  If you are a male, you are 1 1/2 times more likely to be in this statistic area than if you are female.Teen fatalities increase significantly for 16 year olds that drive after 10 pm. 

This figure is alarming and to address the issue of teen fatalities, Rottweiler Security has brought on another new product to address this in the Atlanta area.  Rather than spend thousands of dollars on legal litigation, hours of litigation time, hours of repair time for the vehicle or uncertainty of not knowing car location, why not track the vehicle and the vehicle speeds?  The cost is very small compared to the repair necessary of the 10 most common mistakes made while driving.  Item 10 is one that you should really monitor.  CNN produced an article on this and is well worth the watching.  Definitely check the text records of the phone bill to see if your teen is driving and texting.

When you have a record of the text messages and you know the teen is driving you now have the tools necessary to address an issue before they become a statistic.

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