Fever Detection and the School Nurse
Prior to 2020 school children, teachers, staff members and vendors were allowed to enter school facilities without any fever screening. At school events everyone was allowed to enter the school buildings without health screening. When someone was ill, they would go to the school nurse. The very first thing she would do is take the temperature of the child. This is where we once lived.
Let's be candid. The CDC states that school-aged children are at high risk of seasonal flu complications, so why expose them to it if it can be avoided? Yet children often are sent to school once they are discovered to have a higher than normal body temperature. Without temperature screening, they will have already exposed others by simply passing through the halls. We can do better and we can alter the outcome.
Now in 2020 we have the corona virus aka Covid-19. The top symptom of Covid-19 is heightened body temperature. That's right, a fever. Detectable. Screen-able.
Acute Flaccid Myelitis. This year the CDC is expecting an increase in AFM, Acute Flaccid Myelitis. An enteroviral infection known as EV-D68 or EV-A71. Top Symptom, you guessed it. Fever.
All detectable with an economical, simple to use, hands-free automatic screening device.
The high cost of school building deep cleaning would avoid the disruption of a school system and be instrumental in getting children the medical care they will need.
To The Wolves or Safer with Entry Screening Schools
Keeping school children, teachers, parents, and staff members safe is the number one priority for school districts across the country as they begin to reopen for the coming school year. The reluctance for teachers, staff, and parents to send children back to school pose a significant challenge as we start the new school year.
Without Parent Assurance School Openings Will Stagnate, Delay Education of Children and Hinder the Education Process.
Addressing the concerns of COVID-19 is going to be everyone's reality for quite some time. Our goal at Rottweiler Systems is to support school districts in their endeavor of opening schools safely while keeping fewer people exposed to future seasonal flu outbreaks as well.
Rottweiler provides both the touch-free scanners and the implementation. With "boots on the ground" its a complete solution. This empowers school administrators the ability to implement a complete intelligent site solution that is hands-free and provides body temperature scanning at points of entry as needed.
Following CDC guidelines outlined for School Safety, the facial scanner quickly scans and detects body temperature in seconds as people pass through to the entry point . Adding this layer of fever detection evaluates and notifies prior to passage into the school. School administrators can illustrate preparedness, open safer while completely processing children, staff members, parents and contractors that enter the school building. Additionally they have a record of the entry securely stored on a facility in-house server.
We also can permit or deny entry based upon implementation into already installed access hardware, schedule a card access installation or a go cloud-based access control solution. Bio-metric facial recognition data is not passed or stored in a cloud based system.
By entry screening, this demonstrates to everyone involved that those that enter the school buildings have been screened, have normal body temperature, and the information was recorded when entered. School administrators quickly evaluate and record the entire school body in normal pass-through consistency without the interruption of slower handheld thermal readers.
Essentially by forward-thinking, Rottweiler combines card access solutions for school systems in constructive was by raising the level of protection to everyone entering their buildings in what is now the “new normal”. Thus efficiency, safety, and ability to act are driven right through to the school administrators who need added help with the added burden of pandemic concerns.
Providing the complete solution
- Entry Screening Reduces The Spread of Sickness: Filtering through those with elevated body temperatures prior to school building entry, manages a healthier school body.
- Elevated Body Temperature Reporting: As each child, teacher or staff member enters, a simple facial screening records body temperatures as entry is made into the building. Should someone be detected later on, a record of the previous records determines the health at the time of the tracking record.
- Passage Control: Until screening has progressed, user access automatically is blocked, thus controlling access and traffic flow and reducing close contact exposure.
- Visitor Reporting: Bio-metric screening allows additional control of visitors which may have elevated body temperatures for COVID-19 symptoms. By identifying symptoms before they enter a site, reduces the possibility of viral spread, and notification sent via email anytime any is detected with higher than normal body temperatures. An alert tone is also generated.
- An added benefit is that multiple units can be triggered for active shooter alerts as well.
Learn More > > > Rottweiler-GoSafe-Back-To-School